Student Experience Tips & Advice Field Research & Video Series

Project scope
Communications Leadership Media Visual artsSkills
content development content creationAs social entrepreneurs, we seek to enable everyone with the "advice they wish they had" at no charge. Yes, of course having experienced executive coaches create content is a key part of learning - and we have this in our Soft Skills Academy - but students learn best from each other. Help us create a collection of valuable bits of advice, one student, one tip, one minute at a time!
This is a combination of research (field work) and content development that showcases what was learned in the field. It's all about career readiness and making that leap from school to work. What do you wish that someone told you?
We aspire to collect 1-minute selfie-videos from students (must be screened to ensure no inappropriate or unethical content such as pornography or racial slurs but some light profanity is okay). Each video has the person asking themselves a question, "How do I ... what should I do if ...?" and then they describe a tip for that situation they were in to share what they learned with other students.
Students should be prepared to:
- identify students to reach out to do the videos
- collect responses to a few questions we'll standardize on like, "Do you know what soft skills are? Know why they're important?" etc
- collect videos
- screen videos
- upload approved videos to a centralized vault (eg/ Dropbox)
- create video montages
We have two ex-Googlers who were both senior (Level 5) developers as mentors, plus we are a coaching company offering our interns private and group coaching plus free access to our Soft Skills Academy. You'll complete a Soft Skills Program with a Certification and be amongst the first people in the WORLD to have a badge that says you are "Certified in Soft Skills."
About the company
STEERus, an EDtech startup focused on developing the next generation of leaders. Our STEERus Academy develops skills in leadership, EQ, communication, adaptability, empathy, financial understanding, career development, health & wellness, and more. With equity as our North Star, and as social entrepreneurs, we're working closely with coaches, teachers, youth counsellors, and corporate donors to make our Academy available at no charge to underserved communities for social justice and impact.