Comparing Soft Skills in Students Around the World

Project scope
Communications Market research Leadership Product or service launchSkills
content creationSoft Skills are essential - as essential as tech skills. What we don't know is how students around the world compare when it comes to their level of proficiency with soft skills.
The objective is to establish if there are geographical variations in soft skills proficiency. Once known, these differences can be addressed by creating content specific to address those gaps as informed by the results. We have two established soft skills assessment survey options via partnerships and are considering developing our own. The student(s) tasked with this project would need to leverage social media and direct contact / outreach to other colleges and universities to solicit responses, collect, analyze, interpret them, and report out the findings. Contributing authors will be named on the report(s) / published article(s) and have the opportunity to submit to conferences or such events to present the findings on behalf of STEERus.
Students should be prepared to:
- use existing surveys and craft new ones
- identify groups to outreach to solicit responses
- analyze the results, find trends and regional differences
- support the publication of the article by helping do the write-up
We have two ex-Googlers who were both senior (Level 5) developers as mentors, plus we are a coaching company offering our interns private and group coaching plus free access to our Soft Skills Academy. You'll complete a Soft Skills Program with a Certification and be amongst the first people in the WORLD to have a badge that says you are "Certified in Soft Skills."
About the company
STEERus, an EDtech startup focused on developing the next generation of leaders. Our STEERus Academy develops skills in leadership, EQ, communication, adaptability, empathy, financial understanding, career development, health & wellness, and more. With equity as our North Star, and as social entrepreneurs, we're working closely with coaches, teachers, youth counsellors, and corporate donors to make our Academy available at no charge to underserved communities for social justice and impact.