Career Readiness TikToks

Project scope
Communications Leadership Humanities Media Visual artsSkills
clip art professionalism tiktok critical thinking time management researchWe'd like to make learning open and fun via TikTok. We're open to new ideas but our vision is to create an ongoing series of "back & forth" dialogue where students make a TikTok (15-20 sec) asking questions about career readiness or how to use soft skills like EQ, time-management, professionalism, critical thinking, etc in work situations. We'll respond with a STEERus TikTok saying "This is how / this is what we suggest ..." and have some fun making this creative and educational for all who watch our TikToks.
Maybe the format is "Dear STEERus - How do I ... ?"
Maybe the format is "And then this happened ..."
or something else! We're open to fresh thinking!
Students should be prepared to:
- research (or take direction) on topics to describe student experience scenarios (most around career readiness)
- film 15-20 sec video (at least 1/wk throughout the semester)
- add captions / music / clipart to the TikToks to make them interesting
We are here to work WITH you! This isn't a "throw it over the fence" project. We want to learn together, mentor you, guide you, and ensure that you learn vital skills that you'll need to transition from school to work.
About the company
STEERus, an EDtech startup focused on developing the next generation of leaders. Our STEERus Academy develops skills in leadership, EQ, communication, adaptability, empathy, financial understanding, career development, health & wellness, and more. With equity as our North Star, and as social entrepreneurs, we're working closely with coaches, teachers, youth counsellors, and corporate donors to make our Academy available at no charge to underserved communities for social justice and impact.