Build a Learning Community on our Discord Server
We have a Discord Server (Success Coach) that we'd like to build up. We're seeking students in marketing, psychology, sociology, social work, learning & development, and other related areas to: attract other students to our Discord Server = Success Coach create a launch plan and work towards launching Success Coach once it has some followers and some content coordinate with our coaches to address questions that students raise in the channels to build out content on our channels like #mentalhealth #anxiety #timemanagement #college etc

Integrate our Discord Server into our Native Webapp
We have a Discord Server (Success Coach) that we'd like to integrate into our native webapp written in React / JSON. Students should be prepared to: learn about Discord back-end explore front-end React / JSON to render the Discord Server

Create Logic Branching Games in Hp5
We have Hp5 games, interactive quizzes, wordfinders, and so on, but we'd like to introduce some logic branching games based on scenarios. For example, if you encounter Situation A in the workplace, would you do B or C? Students should be prepared to: map out the logic and craft a few scenarios write the Hp5 code integrate the Hp5 code into Wordpress which is the interim step to rendering it in our React webapp

End-User Visual Dashboard with Badges & Analytics
We use Metabase on the back-end of our React code-base tracking how many videos are watched, how long they are watched, how many e-Learning courses are completed, what the quiz scores are, etc. But we don't have a nice way for the end-user to visualize what they've completed. So, we need a visual dashboard. And we'd like the end user (learner) to collect and showcase their badges on their dashboard. Students should be prepared to: create a few UI/UX designs to present the analytics as a visual dashboard ideally, begin coding the Dashboard for the end-user

Career Readiness TikToks
We'd like to make learning open and fun via TikTok. We're open to new ideas but our vision is to create an ongoing series of "back & forth" dialogue where students make a TikTok (15-20 sec) asking questions about career readiness or how to use soft skills like EQ, time-management, professionalism, critical thinking, etc in work situations. We'll respond with a STEERus TikTok saying "This is how / this is what we suggest ..." and have some fun making this creative and educational for all who watch our TikToks. Maybe the format is "Dear STEERus - How do I ... ?" Maybe the format is "And then this happened ..." or something else! We're open to fresh thinking! Students should be prepared to: research (or take direction) on topics to describe student experience scenarios (most around career readiness) film 15-20 sec video (at least 1/wk throughout the semester) add captions / music / clipart to the TikToks to make them interesting

Healthcare Training Needs (Nurses & Soft Skills)
Health Information Technology- Identifying and evaluating new software applications and/or technologies to meet needs in the healthcare industry. Students can look at the emerging vertical for health care. What are the desirable product features for healthcare industry, specifically for nurses (since they offer nursing degrees) Desirable product features? Would you expect that we would offer CEUs? Cover what aspects of content? What would be the 10 most desirable course topics for nurses? Is soft skills certification desirable for nurses? How much time would you anticipate spending getting soft skills certification? What course materials/components do you anticipate receiving? What features would characterize each component, in a perfect world? Video on demand? Live lecture Work book? Tests? Time with a coach? Graded homework assignments? Other? For your ideal product, do you feel that it should be provided to you by your university while you are still in school? by your employer through your alumni association obtained on a subscription basis per student What should the pricing be for certification? What should the pricing be for access to STEERus training? Research would include gathering and assessing primary data from nursing students and recent nursing graduates. Deliverables to STEERus would include: data gathered and instruments/methodology they used to gather the data their analysis of the data (methodology, results, conclusions and suggestions based on the analysis)

Security Audit of World's First Soft Skills Academy
Nobody likes hackers. Well, except for other hackers and even then there seems to be a lot of fighting for world domination. We need a security audit. As a talent development company, we take creating safe spaces very seriously. That means how we act, what we do - and certainly how we keep our learners' and coaches' information secure. We mostly have the former part covered, but we need your help with the latter part on the IT security bits. As a perk, students who do this project are invited to be part of the first cohort in the history of the world (no kidding - it's that awesome!) to earn a Soft Skills Certification badge for Linkedin and your resumes. Certification runs Oct 26 - Dec 15 (with an extended grace period to complete everything by Jan 15, 2022). Data Management- Developing a data security and protection policy, reviewing data architecture, and recommending improved management practices. You could do a complete assessment of our physical data security and policies and rate our vulnerabilities. Students should be prepared to: work with React / Java Script / Muks for video optimization plan a security audit simulate a user experience to test for flaws in security logic report on the status of the security audit conducted make recommendations on how to improve user security if time permits, code the changes recommended to improve security

Load Testing
Load testing doesn't sound all that glamorous - but it's really important. And if you get the chance to work with AWS on an optimization project, doesn't that make it more interesting?! As a perk, students who do this project are invited to be part of the first cohort in the history of the world (no kidding - it's that awesome!) to earn a Soft Skills Certification badge for Linkedin and your resumes. Certification runs Oct 26 - Dec 15 (with an extended grace period to complete everything by Jan 15, 2022). Students should be prepared to: work with React / Java Script / Muks for video optimization plan a load test on our development server simulate a user experience report on the status of the load tests done make recommendations on how to improve the user experience if time permits, code the changes recommended to improve performance

Soft Skills Academy v2 - How do we Grow?
As social entrepreneurs, we seek to enable everyone with the "advice they wish they had" at no charge. Yes, of course having experienced executive coaches create content is a key part of learning - and we have this in our Soft Skills Academy - but students learn best from each other. We've created a product for an audience (students) that don't feel that they need (even though their professors and bosses and every report on the internet says soft skills are needed). And they have no ability to pay. How do we grow? What's our v2.0 strategy? We have a decent online presence, but low social engagement. Why isn't our ongoing marketing effort successful? What can we change? What should our outreach look like? How do we improve our marketing and communications? Any ideas for a social media strategy that better leverages our own social impact to make soft skills available to the overlooked and underserved communities who need them most to change their life and career success trajectories? Student(s) should consider doing the following: Providing recommendations and creating a new business strategy to grow revenues Developing a market analysis of competitors. Analyzing the viability of a new product extension or new market Analyzing our online presence make recommendations on how / where we improve offer specific suggestions for campaign ideas, marketing outreach, ways to generate press and buzz

Soft Skills Coaching Bot
We use Metabase on the back-end of our React code-base. We want to create a "Coaching Bot" that greets learners in our Soft Skills Academy. Think of the Bot like a Concierge fielding basic questions about navigating the Academy, booking time with a coach, and simple soft skills tips. The Bot requires intelligence to "know" when it's time to pass the conversation over to a human coach. As a foundation, the open source Eliza Therapy Bot could be a good NLP model here. Custom code could be built upon Twillio to expedite development. Whatever questions are collected by the Concierge Coach Bot could be repurposed and released daily or weekly (or some other frequency) like TextStory doled out one line of text at a time via SMS by creating a Python/Twillio program to run in parallel to the Bot. Students should be prepared to: research the Eliza therapy bot code Concierge Coaching Bot input tips (.xlsx source) test the code release strings of messages via SMS

Alexa app for Soft Skills
We use Metabase on the back-end of our React code-base. We want to integrate the Alexa API to create a voice-enabled app where learners can ask Alexa for soft skills tips. We have a database of > 250 tips that can be used for input. Students should be prepared to: research the Alexa API to identify best practices for integration code the Soft Skills app input the tips (.xlsx source) test the app

Career Readiness Experience Scenarios
We teach soft skills and career readiness. Students learn best through experience so we create scenarios using storytelling by writing role-play scripts (dialogue between two characters) and collect the voice over. Students should be prepared to: research (or take direction) on topics to describe student experience scenarios (most around career readiness) write role-play scripts about 500 words each dialogue between two characters voice-over (find others to do the voice-over work with)

Student Experience Tips & Advice Field Research & Video Series
As social entrepreneurs, we seek to enable everyone with the "advice they wish they had" at no charge. Yes, of course having experienced executive coaches create content is a key part of learning - and we have this in our Soft Skills Academy - but students learn best from each other. Help us create a collection of valuable bits of advice, one student, one tip, one minute at a time! This is a combination of research (field work) and content development that showcases what was learned in the field. It's all about career readiness and making that leap from school to work. What do you wish that someone told you? We aspire to collect 1-minute selfie-videos from students (must be screened to ensure no inappropriate or unethical content such as pornography or racial slurs but some light profanity is okay). Each video has the person asking themselves a question, "How do I ... what should I do if ...?" and then they describe a tip for that situation they were in to share what they learned with other students. Students should be prepared to: identify students to reach out to do the videos collect responses to a few questions we'll standardize on like, "Do you know what soft skills are? Know why they're important?" etc collect videos screen videos upload approved videos to a centralized vault (eg/ Dropbox) create video montages

Comparing Soft Skills in Students Around the World
Soft Skills are essential - as essential as tech skills. What we don't know is how students around the world compare when it comes to their level of proficiency with soft skills. The objective is to establish if there are geographical variations in soft skills proficiency. Once known, these differences can be addressed by creating content specific to address those gaps as informed by the results. We have two established soft skills assessment survey options via partnerships and are considering developing our own. The student(s) tasked with this project would need to leverage social media and direct contact / outreach to other colleges and universities to solicit responses, collect, analyze, interpret them, and report out the findings. Contributing authors will be named on the report(s) / published article(s) and have the opportunity to submit to conferences or such events to present the findings on behalf of STEERus. Students should be prepared to: use existing surveys and craft new ones identify groups to outreach to solicit responses analyze the results, find trends and regional differences support the publication of the article by helping do the write-up

Gamifying e-Learning Using an Existing Platform
We license a third-party platform to transform multiple-choice quizzes from e-Learning content into games so that people can compete for badges and trophies. We need more games! Students should be prepared to: harvest information from publicly available sources such as vetted (qualified / credible) media articles, blogs, etc harvest information from our coaches generate multiple choice questions to "feed" the game input the questions into the platform test the game for Quality Control before it goes live

End-User Visual Dashboard with Analytics
We use Metabase on the back-end of our React code-base tracking how many videos are watched, how long they are watched, how many e-Learning courses are completed, what the quiz scores are, etc. But we don't have a nice way for the end-user to visualize what they've completed. So, we need a visual dashboard. Students should be prepared to: create a few UI/UX designs to present the analytics as a visual dashboard ideally, begin coding the Dashboard for the end-user

Harvesting Reddit & Twitter
The goal is to legally and ethically harvest advice data from public sources like Twitter & reddit via their API, distill it into consumable formats as a way to build our content library. Key subreddits include: r/AskReddit r/college r/gapyear r/lifecoaching r/needacoach r/socialskills r/selfimprovement r/softskills Students should be prepared to: use open source scraping tools (ideally, but we'd be willing to explore using paid tools if you thought it was best) create a series of small test runs design a UI/UX format to render and present the information in a format consumable (viewable and searchable) by the end-user automate the harvesting so that it updates every 30 days use the API for Twitter or Reddit to integrate with the back end of our proprietary e-Learning platform

e-Commerce Marketplace
OPTION: we have our preliminary Marketplace coded in React inside our Academy. Software developers could expand that Marketplace to list additional items including behavior assessments, coaches' books, swag, coaching services, and so on, tied into our Stripe payment. We have an existing website in Wordpress enabled with payment. We want to add an e-commerce page which lists various products for sale to be integrated with a shopping cart and payment using applets available to do these activities via Wordpress. As a perk, students who do this project are invited to be part of the first cohort in the history of the world (no kidding - it's that awesome!) to earn a Soft Skills Certification badge for Linkedin and your resumes. Certification runs Oct 26 - Dec 15 (with an extended grace period to complete everything by Jan 15, 2022). Students should be prepared to: upload our inventory Create a design proposal including mock-ups to list the products for sale in an attractive manner Build a fully-functioning e-Commerce page listing about 40 products for sale Integrate Amazon affiliate and other links use existing Calendly integration to allow users to book time with coaches